Timber! New French Law Mandates 50% Wood Content for All Public Buildings by 2022

Kudos to France for taking an aggressive step forward in sustainability. New government regulations will now mandate that all public buildings contain at least 50% wood or other bio-based sustainable content as soon as 2022. In anticipation of hosting the 2024 Olympics, the City of Paris has already adopted ambitious visionary measures to align with the Paris Agreement and to reduce the carbon footprint of the Olympic Games by 55%.

Minister for Cities and Housing Julien Denormandie proclaimed earlier this month, “If it is possible for the Olympics, it should be possible for ordinary buildings…I am imposing on all public bodies that manage development to construct their buildings with material that is at least 50% wood or other bio-sourced material.”

Hooray for France. And though we’re unlikely to be similarly compelled by our own government here in the US, may we be inspired by France’s new standard and work toward it here and abroad.